Embracing Masculinity: A Letter from One of Our Gaiabuddies
In the spirit of sharing stories that inspire and uplift, we recently had the privilege of connecting with one of our male readers who opened up about his journey with masculinity. Raised without a strong father figure, his path has been unique and filled with both challenges and profound realizations. While he prefers to remain anonymous, he graciously offered some words of wisdom that we believe will resonate deeply with our community.
He shared, "Growing up without a father meant I had to look elsewhere for guidance on what it means to be a man. For a long time, I struggled with the idea that masculinity was synonymous with aggression and stoicism. I felt the pressure to be tough, to hide my emotions, and to never show weakness. But as I embarked on my healing journey, I began to understand that true strength lies in vulnerability, empathy, and the ability to nurture."
His story is a beautiful reminder that redefining masculinity is not only possible but necessary. By embracing their emotional depth and nurturing qualities, men are stepping into a more holistic and balanced version of themselves. It is a shift that not only benefits their personal growth but also contributes to raising the vibration of the earth. In his words, "It’s not weak to be emotional; it’s powerful. And in being soft, we find our true strength."
We are incredibly grateful for his openness and the wisdom he has shared with us. His journey exemplifies the transformative power of healing and the importance of community in supporting one another. Let us continue to encourage and uplift each other, as we collectively work towards a future where all individuals can embrace their true selves without fear or judgment.
Read below for his parting message:
In our modern age, there is a pervasive belief that women must control and train their men to achieve the relationships they desire. This sentiment often echoed in workshops and empowerment seminars, suggests that women should "train their men" and "teach them what they want." While it is crucial for women to communicate their needs openly rather than waiting in silence, it becomes problematic when this extends to the notion that women must raise and define men. It is disempowering for men to be told to "man up" or "be more of a man" by women. Such directives can undermine the core of healthy masculinity, similar to the detrimental messages perpetuated by patriarchy.
Specifically, many men of my generation, raised by strong and independent women, often single mothers, have grown up seeking cues from women on how to be men. This dependency can lead to confusion and distorted notions of masculinity, influenced by media and societal expectations. We have lost the lineage of sacred masculinity, where men taught men how to be men, shared wisdom, and held each other accountable. This imbalance contributes to the chaos we witness today, with some men either behaving more like women, cowering in guilt, or compensating by becoming overly aggressive and macho. This is a complex global transition that few truly understand.
Personally, being raised by a strong single mother, I only knew and trusted women. I understood feminine strength, love, and pain, and for a long time, avoided my own masculinity to mitigate feminine upset. In my marriage, I sought permission from my wife to define appropriate male behavior, leading to frustration and inner conflict. However, I realized it is not my role to heal a woman's pain or solve her upset. Men need to heal their own pain and masculinity with other men, reconnecting with our sacred lineage and ancestral wisdom. Only then can we redefine our roles as men, allowing women to step into their true feminine power, restoring the divine balance of the feminine and masculine. I urge all men who resonate with this message to join this conversation and movement, even if we do not yet know what it will look like moving forward.