Embracing Masculinity: Empowering Men in the Modern World

I am not sure if it is the fact that we are currently in the midst of several retrogrades or the fact that I have been spending a bit of time online and having conversations today and it hit me, the amount of men who are taking their healing journey seriously. I am seeing men in drumming circlers, camping support men's groups, emotional regulation and release retreats. It is fucking awesome and I am loving it!! It also got me thinking how I have been putting focus on the feminine energies, mainly due to being at the place in my journey where the focus on feminine healing was paramount. You see, I have always been a tom boy heavily sat in my masculine energy. There is not a time as a young girl where I was playing with dolls, make-up or doing any of the other girly stuff little girls do. As I grew up that didn't change, as I was constantly stuck in survival mode and having to protect myself, as no one else was there to protect me. As we are aware, it is the archetype of the masculine to protect, the feminine to nurture. I may have been a female, but the life I led, I had to embody all the aspects of the masculine and hide away the feminine ones. Anyways, it got me to thinking. So I decided to write this article.
As we move towards the end of patriarchy (personally I still have my own conditioning to break out of and possibly some morals and values that need changing based off the patriarchy, but that’s a story for another day) and the dawn of a new era, it is crucial to recognize that the masculine we often criticize is a distorted and toxic version, not the true essence of The Masculine. Without this recognition, we risk perpetuating harmful dynamics by making men the villains, missing the opportunity to activate a potent aspect of ourselves, and recreating communities with the same toxic core. It’s important to understand that we all carry the wounded masculine within us to varying degrees. These wounds, like all wounded parts, cry out for embrace, act out for attention, and hide for fear of exposure. By acknowledging and healing these wounds within ourselves, we can begin to foster compassion and unity.
The transition our beautiful mother earth Gaia planet is undergoing can be viewed through various lenses. One that resonates deeply with me is the notion of a systemic correction. The rise of The Feminine is not an isolated phenomenon (sorry ladies) but a call for dynamic equilibrium with The Masculine. This integration and harmony are essential for ushering in a new era. As we heal and balance these energies within ourselves, we contribute to raising the vibration of the earth and transforming the mindsets of future generations. By embracing both The Feminine and The Masculine in their true, undistorted forms, we open the door to a holistic and harmonious existence.
In the journey of holistic healing, the emergence of the Feminine has been a significant and transformative force for many of us. It has called us to heal these energies within ourselves, our relationships, and our communities. Yet, this path is often obstructed by the toxic masculine forces that keep systems running towards self-destruction. There are days when it feels as though we must armor ourselves like Artemis, Durga, or Wonder Woman, fighting tirelessly against these oppressive energies.
However, in the midst of this battle, it's crucial to remember the partnership that exists between the fierce feminine and the warrior-like Divine Masculine. This Divine Masculine is not about control or subjugation; it is about protecting and preserving life. Recognizing this quality within ourselves and others brings a profound sense of conviction. There is a powerful reservoir of energy waiting to be harnessed for planetary healing. By accessing and elevating the Divine Masculine, it can hold, protect, defend, and empower the Feminine. This synergy is the way forward.
In the journey of holistic healing and self-discovery, one of the most profound revelations is the recognition and embrace of the Divine Masculine within us. The Divine Masculine, much like its counterpart, the Divine Feminine, is intricate and multifaceted, embodying a spectrum of qualities that contribute to a balanced and enriched existence. Understanding this aspect of ourselves can lead to a deeper connection with life, a clearer sense of boundaries, and an enriched capacity for love and strength.
The Divine Masculine within each of us holds a fierce protectiveness towards all life, resonating with an unwavering loyalty and constancy. It finds joy in the realms of play and sport, celebrates physical strength, and embodies a deep-seated relationship with power. It is not merely about force or dominance; the Divine Masculine is also tender-hearted, valuing truth and integrity, and capable of immense vulnerability. This paradox of strength and vulnerability is at the heart of the Divine Masculine, creating a space where one can feel safe, honored, and delighted. When in touch with this inner force, it becomes easier to discern when something sacred is being violated, allowing for a more profound sense of justice and protection.
However, it is essential to recognize that any archetypal quality, when taken to an extreme, can become toxic. The distortions in the masculine value sphere have often led to an unhealthy expression of these traits, manifesting as the oppressive and patriarchal power structures we see in many of today’s leaders, both male and female. This toxic masculinity not only harms others but can also infiltrate our own belief systems, leading to internalized patriarchal attitudes. By exploring and understanding these dynamics within ourselves, we can begin to dismantle these toxic tendencies and foster a healthier, more balanced expression of the Divine Masculine. This inner work is crucial for personal growth and for raising the collective vibration, ultimately transforming mindsets for future generations.
In Australia, where I live, and much of the world, we live within a patriarchal system. I don’t know about you, again I have my own personal thoughts and feelings and no I don’t necessarily see it to be this to be an old and tired idea; a vestige of another time.
I do have to mention though that I do have feelings and thoughts regarding the patriarchy serving so few and it being quite harmful. Some of the victims are obvious — people of color, the poor, women. But the truth is it actually serves no one because it is unnatural, not life-giving, and not aligned with the Natural Laws. It serves tradition. It cannot serve humanity or life on this planet. Recognizing and dismantling these entrenched systems is crucial to our collective healing journey.
It is truly heartening to witness the emergence of beautiful men everywhere who are courageously confronting the disappointments of manhood and the generational trauma handed down from father to son, or mother to son. These men are breaking free from the age-old paradigms that dictate how they should behave and feel, and instead, are embracing a holistic approach to healing. Unfortunately, even the most well-meaning parents sometimes perpetuate harmful stereotypes by urging their sons to "Man up!" or to suppress their emotions with phrases like "Boys don’t cry." This advice, though meant to prepare them for a tough world, often stems from the parents' own experiences of hardship and emotional suppression.
Imagine a world where we allow boys to maintain their innate compassion for others, the environment, and all living beings. A world where they are nurtured and held close until their nervous systems feel a profound sense of attachment and safety, regardless of external challenges. This nurturing would enable them to grow into emotionally resilient and empathetic men, capable of contributing positively to society and the planet. By fostering an environment that values emotional expression and connection, we can help boys develop a more balanced and holistic sense of self.
Anyways guys, that’s it for me tonight. I am going to try and meditate and stop my monkey mind from being so over active and try to sleep.
Sweet dreams.