The Hidden Effects of Spiritual Awakening on Your Life
In the realm of spiritual awakening, much is said about the physical symptoms and the strange, unexplained phenomena that makes us feel bat shit crazy and suicidal AF. The joys that accompany the journey (YAAAAAYYYYYYY), as we heal and ascend. However, there is a subtler dimension to this profound transformation that often goes unmentioned: the gradual, yet profound changes to your life and worldview. I don't know everything, as I navigate this shit without external opinions and pressures, but I aim to provide some sort of guidance and authenticity to those at similar stages.
Sometimes, these shifts are not sudden; they are the cumulative result of a deep, ongoing process of self-discovery and shedding the layers of the ego, ultimately leading you to become the most authentic version of yourself. I have gone into basic detail below.
The Spiritual Awakening Process
The onset of a spiritual awakening frequently involves what is known as the "dark night of the soul." This is a period of intense suffering and confusion, often triggered by a traumatic event that forces you to confront the very foundations of your existence. This period of despair, though excruciating, serves as the catalyst for profound inner change. While the dark night of the soul is a common precursor to spiritual awakening, it is not the only path. Some individuals experience a more gradual enlightenment, characterized by a slow but steady increase in awareness and understanding.
Another route to awakening can be sparked by a compelling desire ignited by something you read, hear, or see. This inspiration can set off a chain reaction, leading to significant shifts in your habits, perspectives, and values over time. Unlike the abrupt jolt of the dark night of the soul, this gradual awakening feels more natural and intuitive, often guided by an inner sense of knowing.
Gradual Shifts and Lifestyle Changes
As you navigate through this spiritual transformation, you will begin to notice subtle yet significant changes in your daily life. These changes unfold in stages and become more apparent as you progress further along your journey. One of the first things you may observe is a shift in your priorities. Material possessions and external achievements may lose their significance, replaced by a deeper appreciation for inner peace and authenticity.
Your relationships will also undergo transformation. As you become more attuned to your true self, you may find that some relationships naturally fall away, while others deepen and become more meaningful. This is a natural part of the process, as you gravitate towards individuals who resonate with your newfound sense of self.
Additionally, you may notice a change in your habits and lifestyle choices. Activities that once brought you pleasure may no longer hold the same appeal, and you may find yourself drawn to practices that nourish your soul, such as meditation, yoga, or spending time in nature. These gradual shifts are a testament to the profound inner transformation that is taking place.
Embracing the Journey
Embarking on a spiritual awakening journey is akin to navigating uncharted waters. It can feel awkward, much like the tumultuous period of adolescence, but if you embrace the process rather than resist it, you will find the ride to be smoother and more fulfilling. The changes you experience are a natural and necessary part of your evolution, guiding you towards a more authentic and harmonious way of living.
Maybe you’ll notice instead of shopping with your friends like usual, you would rather stay home and catch up on a new series that Gaia just released. Keep in mind, it may be netflix or prime or any other streaming service, BUT IN TIME I GUARANTEE IT WILL BE GAIA!!! Or where you used to jump anytime someone wanted you to hang out (and do nothing), you find yourself saying no so you can make some progress with a creative project. Whether that be a DIY project around the home like a veggie garden or art and crafts with the kids! How freaking awesome are both BTW?!!! These subtle shifts are indicators of your spiritual awakening. How we spend our time and money is very telling when it comes to how awakened we are. You’ll no longer want to spend money on things that don’t improve your life, and you’ll no longer want to spend time on activities you don’t enjoy. Your time is too precious, and your soul is pulling you towards things that are nourishing for it.
Your eating habits will also start to evolve. When you become spiritually enlightened, all life becomes precious and you might choose to stop eating meat. I want to point out here, this will differ for EVERYONE!! Some may eat more fresh food, but continue to consume meat. Others may go strictly to fruit, veg, grain etc. Personally, I am not vegetarian, however MOST of my meals are meat free. Animal product free - no - I LOVE CHEESE TOO MUCH!!!!! Do not belittle yourself or be harsh if you still consume meat! Listen to YOUR body!! IT WILL GUIDE YOU! Not others BS opinions. Or you might become obsessed with organic food, not wanting to put anything grown with pesticides into your body. My body is my temple, but this is only a recent mindset, as I embrace self-worth, so even I am guilty about still putting toxins in my body. HEY, I AM HUMNA! I am trying and do get better with time, as will you. Your body is a temple, and we only get one. Wanting to take better care of it by eating right is one sign you are on your way to a spiritual awakening. As you awaken further, you will want less and less of the bad stuff going in because you respect and value your body like you never did before.
Since eating better has beneficial effects on not just your body but also your mind and soul, this is another sign that your higher self is nudging you towards doing things good for your soul. It’s a trickle-down effect; what you put into your body eventually makes its way to your mind and later, to the soul. By listening to these subtle nudges, you are honoring your journey towards holistic health and spiritual growth, raising your vibration, and positively impacting the world around you.
Embarking on the journey to discover your life purpose is a profound and transformative experience. Your life purpose is the core essence of why you are here, the driving force behind your existence, and the catalyst for the entire meaning of life. This intimate quest is unique for everyone, and it often marks the beginning of a spiritual awakening — a heightened state of consciousness where you seek to understand and fulfill your deeper calling.
A spiritual awakening is frequently triggered by a yearning to uncover a deeper meaning in life. This powerful desire signifies that you are beginning to tap into your true potential and align with your higher self. Discovering your life purpose is not merely about gaining knowledge of the true nature of reality but about applying that understanding to bring meaningful change to your life and the lives of others. It is through this application that life becomes enriched with purpose and direction.
Without a clear sense of purpose, you may find yourself adrift, navigating through life based on the expectations and directions set by others. I haven't got into much detail about life purpose in my articles and I may not, but if you are curious, google has MANY for you to check out, I also offer this service, so make sure you check it out in the services section!!!!
However, when you live in alignment with your life purpose, you achieve a state of inner peace and fulfillment that transcends material success or societal approval. It’s important to note that your life purpose isn’t necessarily tied to a specific career or role. Instead, think of it as a broader theme or mission that guides the way you wish to impact the world and help others. Whether it’s through acts of kindness, creative expression, or advocating for a cause close to your heart, your life purpose is the unique way you contribute to raising the vibration of the earth and transforming the mindsets of future generations.
I grew up in a VERY small, regional town in the outback of the Northern Territory called Humpty Doo and As a child, I was ALWAYS outdoors. I was considered a tomboy and could outdo ALL the boys with handling of spiders down to wrestling fresh water crocodiles. NOPE! I’M NOT TALKING SHIT! Unlike other girls who preferred make-up, clothes, boy bands and jewelry, my interests were more aligned with outdoor activities, where I felt comfortable and at ease. Unfortunately, shit happened in my childhood and next minute we were living in Victoria in suburbia and how things changed!!! Nature became forgotten as the smoke and business of the city and life became my world view. However, everything changed after experiencing a profound spiritual awakening. Suddenly, I found myself irresistibly drawn to the wonders of the natural world again, as I returned home. As a child, I didn’t know why I love nature and animals, but now, as an outdoor adult, I understand the deep connection between our beings and nature itself. This profound bond means that remaining disconnected from nature feels almost unbearable once you’ve awoken to it.
You’ll notice a newfound yearning to immerse yourself in nature. Whether it’s the urge to go camping under a starlit sky, watch the sunrise paint the horizon, or capture the beauty of flora and fauna through photography, you’ll find immense joy in these simple yet profound activities. Every living thing, from the smallest insect to the tallest tree, will hold a special place in your heart. This is because you’ll come to understand the intricate web of interconnectedness that links us all together.
Spending time in nature is one of the most enriching experiences you can have. Unlike material possessions, these moments are priceless and irreplaceable. Trust me, you won’t regret the time you spend outdoors. After all, no one looks back on their life wishing they had spent more time inside. Embracing a lifestyle that aligns with the natural rhythms of the earth is quintessential to holistic wellness. Those who live in harmony with nature tend to be healthier and happier. If you’ve undergone a spiritual awakening, you’ll naturally gravitate towards this way of living, as spirituality and nature are profoundly interconnected.
Living a life in alignment with nature is what holistic wellness is all about. People who follow the natural rhythm of nature are healthier and happier. You will naturally gravitate towards this kind of lifestyle if you are spiritually awakened because spirituality and nature are deeply connected.
I wanted to go further into this article regarding changes in relationships and toxicity etc, however I have run out of time and will continue in another article, but in for this article, the conclusion - while the physical symptoms and dramatic experiences often associated with spiritual awakening garner much attention, it is the subtle, gradual shifts in your life that truly signify the depth of this transformation. By recognizing and embracing these changes, you can navigate your spiritual journey with greater ease and grace, ultimately leading you to a more authentic and fulfilling existence.